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Matt Buys Houses TX Posts

Divorcing? Considering Selling Your House in San Antonio? Here’s How To Do It Quickly

April 10, 2024 • Matthew

When it comes to selling your house during divorce these options are something that you want to review carefully as chances are you want to do this quickly.

The sale of a house during a divorce can be frustrating because of all the other issues that are going on in your personal life. Some of those issues can include who gets the house in the divorce, and dealing with a divorce buyout. The one thing that you also want to keep in mind is that selling assets before a divorce could land you into some legal difficulties.

If it is agreed upon by both you and your spouse that you have no choice but to sell the family home, you can start planning how to do so so that the best possible outcome is achieved.

Selling Your House Fast During Divorce

selling your house in divorce

Naturally, you want to sell your house fast and chances are you have a lot of emotional ties to it.

This could lead you to over valuing your family home. In your opinion it may be worth a lot more than what the market value is going to indicate.

You will need to think realistically about this and be prepared to accept the sale value of your home rather than what you personally think it is worth. If you put it on the market at an unrealistic price the chances of it selling your house fast are very poor.

Many think that when selling your house during divorce, putting a high price on it to begin with is the best way, as they can always come down on the price.

What they don’t realize is that the first 30 days of the house being on the market is when it’s going to receive the most attention. Waiting to lower the price after this period of time is not the best route to take.

Importance of Curb Appeal When Selling Your House

You want your house to show at its best and you can begin by sprucing up its curb appeal. As soon as prospective buyers come to your house to view it it’s the outside that they see and you want this to be appealing.

It may mean no more than cleaning up any debris that is around the home, and weeding the gardens.

Responsibilities When Selling Your House During Divorce

waiting for the divorce to be over and selling your house

You want to be sure that when you are managing your responsibilities that you choose a Realtor that is going to put all of their expertise, knowledge, and resources into selling your house quickly. You can share your circumstances with this professional as they will keep the details confidential. By doing so the Realtor understands the circumstances and will work diligently on trying to sell the home as quickly as possible.

Alternatively, you can sell your house without any hassle at all to a local house buying company. They will buy it as-is so that you don’t have to worry about curb appeal or any other repairs.

If you are going to sell yourself ‘For Sale By Owner’ or through an agent, when you will want to be sure that the interior of the home presents well just as the outside does. When in a situation where you are selling your family house because of a divorce you have to do what you can to settle things quickly.

If you are going that route, rely on your real estate agent’s suggestions for any repairs or updates that they feel should be done in order to sell faster. Sometimes it’s just a matter of a few minor repairs and some fresh paint that is needed.

Sticking with Your Decision to Sell

selling your house

With so much else going on in your life at this moment you may be thinking about attempting to refinance house after divorce instead of selling it.

Refinancing your mortgage is certainly an option but it can be difficult. The financial situation of both you and your spouse are most likely going to change and you now will have to qualify for new financing.

You may also be contemplating selling assets before divorce, which is okay if both you and your spouse are in agreement for this. It is not something that you want to do otherwise as there could be legal implications.

The process of selling your house in the middle of divorce may feel that it is just too much to handle.

However, it is most probably a necessity so the more committed you are to getting it sold fast the better it will be for both you and your spouse. Once this has been completed you can both begin to move on with your lives.

Every attempt should be made by both parties to co-operate with each other during the sale process in order to get a fast sale.

De-cluttering When Selling Your House

Chances are either you or your spouse has already moved out of the home, and the one left in it is going to be responsible for keeping the home neat and clean during the sale period. If that party is really committed to having the home sell fast then it means getting rid of all the clutter.

You could even begin packing a lot of the items you don’t need at the moment and putting these in an inconspicuous place so they don’t interfere with the viewings of the home. You really want to attempt to stage the home as best you can during your divorce selling home period.

More Options for Selling Your House During Divorce

researching selling your house

If you have priced your house realistically you may find that you get an offer from buyers who are investors and are willing to pay cash for your home. This is something you may want to consider even if the price is lower than what you were expecting. You are going through a rough time in your life right now and probably the divorce proceedings are putting pressure on both you and your spouse to get the assets divided so it can be concluded.

When you are under pressure to sell your house fast, it may mean that you have to make concessions regarding the sale that you would not normally do under normal circumstances.

If possible strongly consider any offers that you do get and listen to the advice of your realtor. This is the professional that has the most expertise when it comes to selling your house fast and this expert will give you their honest opinion on any offers that you receive.

Sell Your San Antonio House After a Divorce

If you need to sell your San Antonio house fast after a divorce, click here to get an offer within 24 hours!

To get your cash offer on your house, call us at 210-596-9669. We look forward to talking to you about your options. If you aren’t interested in selling your house, but still have questions, feel free to get in contact with us. We are happy to answer any questions.

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.

Selling a Home for Cash in San Antonio

April 3, 2024 • Matthew

Many San Antonio homeowners are currently considering selling their home for cash to a home buyer. A healthy housing market and the overall economic recovery has created the ideal atmosphere to sell residential properties in 2016. Homeowners are seeking the assistance of real estate agents, third party professionals, and home buying companies to quickly sell their home for cash. But which method is the best for a seller? Who should you contact when selling a home for cash in San Antonio?

When homeowners put their house on the market, whether with the aid of realtors or by themselves by declaring a For Sale By Owner (FSBO) status, they want to ensure they’re attracting the best buyers for their property. Potential buyers come in varying shapes and sizes: from individual buyers to investment companies and other businesses. Though the differences are stark between a single buyer and a company interested in your home, both buyers have the ability to offer cash to sellers. There are several advantages and few disadvantages to accepting a cash offer for your home, but having the knowledge to discern between a decent offer and great one will give you the freedom to make the right decision for property.

Benefits of Selling a Home For Cash

selling your home for cash

The Speed of Sale

There are several benefits of accepting to accept selling your home for cash; one of the most desirable advantages to homeowners is the speed of the sale. Typically, most cash home sales are completed within a month from the initial offer due to finance pre-approval. Companies and individual buyers with cash are able to accelerate the closing process to a mere seven days. Closing within a week is practically unheard of when selling on market or to buyers that need finance approval.

When you sell your house for cash, you’re effectively skipping the financing process most buyers must sift through prior to purchase. Communicating with a mortgage lender and acquiring a new loan prolongs the closing process by months. Within that time frame, homeowners are losing thousands on the continual payment of utilities, insurance, and possible mortgages. This time period is extended if the potential buyer is unsuccessful in obtaining a loan from one lender and must seek another. With pre-approved cash buyers, sellers needn’t worry about deals falling through or spending weeks waiting for lender approval.

Homeowners selling their house for cash also receive the added benefit of working with experienced buyers. This experience often shortens a property’s time on market in numerous ways. For one, experienced cash buyers will eliminate the homeowner’s need for a realtor by working with the seller directly. Finding a real estate agent and advertising your property can lead to months on the market before a potential buyer notices your property. When you’re willing to sell your home for cash however, cash buyers are already looking for you and, thus, reduce your home’s time on market. Experienced cash buyers also know the selling process and have a firm grasp on the legality involved. They often provide assistance to first-time home sellers by explaining the process in great detail. This assistance and knowledge can slash weeks off the selling process!

The Convenience of Sale

cash buyers when selling a home for cash

Another major advantage to utilizing the services offered by a cash buyer when selling is the convenience of the sale. The selling process can be especially complex when dealing with realtors. Even if you go the FSBO route, the buyer has the option of using a real estate agent. Although hiring a professional isn’t necessarily a bad idea, it’s one that costs time and money for both parties involved. It’s one of the many reasons why cash buyers avoid dealing with realtors.

If you’re looking to sell your home for cash, you often attract buyers willing to skip the contingencies often associated with selling with a real estate agent. These contingencies include asking for inspections, appraisals, or making major repairs to appease potential buyers. For older properties or fixer-uppers, this can consist of many costly cosmetic updates as well as home system replacements. Realtors, at the request of their clients, often make sellers perform these expensive actions before cementing a sale. However, cash buyers will buy dilapidated properties as is, ensuring a faster, more convenient sale.

Simplifying the Selling Process

Arguably the most beneficial component of selling your home for cash in San Antonio is how simple the selling process becomes with the right cash buyer. As stated previously, cash buyers are typically experienced with buying properties needing major repairs. They’re also more experienced with closing quickly compared to the average realtor. This added expertise allows the closing to commence without the major difficulties sellers face with a traditional buyer.

Selling your property with cash buyers mean avoiding unnecessary complications. A lot of buyers experience buyer’s remorse after making pricey purchases. For home buyers, this can mean accusing the previous owner of concealing the poor condition of their home. Sometimes, buyers even fabricate an issue to nullify their home purchase. Remorse can manifest in different ways for buyers. But with cash buyers, homeowners can avoid this convoluted conundrum altogether.

Selling a Home For Cash Pitfalls

problems with selling a home for cash

Of course, selling a home for cash can have its pitfalls too. Some homeowners will not receive the full market value for their home. This isn’t the consequence of a company sending low ball offers, but more of a standard as-is price adjustment. Cash buyers often need to make those costly repairs homeowners can’t afford to make before selling. So a reasonable lower price for your property is to be expected.

Another disadvantage some homeowners experience when they attempt to sell their house for cash is a buyer being unable to provide proof of funds. If a buyer is unwilling or unable to show proof of funds, they may not be able to purchase your property in a timely manner. Often times, these buyers want to tie up your home to re-sell to other investors to make a better profit and are willing to keep your home off the market for extended periods of time. It’s better to avoid these cash buyers altogether if possible.

Even with the few disadvantages described, contacting a cash buyer is the best option when selling your home. The lack of major repairs, contingencies, and buyer’s remorse make up for possibly receiving a lower price for your property. Also, you can avoid the buyer’s lack of funds predicament by asking for proof of funds via a bank statement or general letter of approval. Sellers don’t have to be stuck paying for a home they no longer want by selling to a trusted cash buyer. With a speedier and more convenient process for sellers, homeowners are able to concentrate on moving without the anxiety of finding the right buyer.

Get a Cash Offer For Your House

selling your house fast

With all the added advantages to selling with a cash buyer, you may be wondering, “How do I sell my home for cash San Antonio?” The answer is simple. Contact a reputable home buying agency. With one quick survey, you can be on the receiving end of a fair cash offer within the week! Matt Buys Houses TX is a trusted cash buyer with more than a decade experience buying homes while offering free selling advice to homeowners in need. If you’re interested in selling to a cash buyer, let us help make your selling process a fast, convenient, and simple experience today!

Selling a home for cash is definitely an option you should consider. Skip the real estate agent fees and hassles. Find out what you can get for your house. Call Matt Buys Houses TX at 210-596-9669.

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.

Should I Sell My House Before or After Divorce in Texas?

March 27, 2024 • Matthew

The question that gets asked often when people are considering divorce is, “Should I sell my house before or after divorce?”

Whether you should sell a house before or after divorce in Texas is going to depend on a lot of variables.

Most often there are so many things to deal with during a divorce that it becomes overwhelming and frustrating. Situations like who gets the house after a divorce, divorce buyouts, and refinancing. One may not think clearly and make decisions based on their emotions which may not be the best decision at the time. There is no doubt that for homeowners that are going through a divorce that the question, “Is it better to sell a house before or after a divorce becomes a reality?”

sell my house after divorce

Is it Better to Sell a House Before or After Divorce?

Regardless of whether you sell a house before or after divorce in Texas, you will still want to sell a house at a profit.

Even though you may be in a hurry to get your finances in order as they pertain to the divorce, the timing of the sale is going to be important.

How profitable this will be will depend partially on the housing market at the time, the economy in general, and how long you can wait for the right buyer.

Then there are the other costs that come with selling a house that has to be taken into account. You also have to look at the rules and regulations as they pertain to the state as to how assets are handled in a divorce.

This will play a big factor in helping you to make the decision as to when is the best time to sell.

 Selling My House Before Divorce

should I sell my house before or after divorce?

Making a Profit on the Sale

There can be tax implications that come with the home sale that will have to be decided upon and may also be part of the divorce proceedings.

If you sell at a profit then there may be taxes that have to be paid. Then you may be eligible for a capital gain deduction.

How this is going to affect you will all depend on the decision that is made between you and your spouse for filing your taxes.

If you are selling before your divorce then you both may decide to file the last taxes jointly. If you sell the house after your divorce then you are probably filing separately.

If you need to consider breaking your mortgage read more about the ramifications here.

There can be some tax advantages to filing separately. For example, if you are co-owners of the house you may be eligible for up to $250,000. of capital gains exclusion. This is dependent on your being able to prove the use and ownership tests for the property.

The same advantage may also apply to your spouse who is filing separately. If you decide to file jointly then you both may be able to take advantage of a $500,000 exclusion based on meeting the criteria for this.

Your tax obligations are one of the most important considerations to be made when you are trying to decide whether to sell a house before or after your divorce.

Realizing a Loss On The Sale

alone with the thought to sell my house before or after divorce

It may be that you are not in a good financial position with the ownership of your home. You may be dealing with an underwater mortgage or negative equity.

This is the case when you owe more on your house than what it is currently valued at. If you are going to sell the house at this time you will end up with a loss.

This will be taken into account during the financial division of assets in the divorce and will be a debt that you will both owe to the mortgage lender. The lender has the rights to come after you both to satisfy the debt owed to him

Considering A Short Sale

When deciding to sell a house that has too much owed during a divorce, you may find that you are able to sell the property through a short sale. Negotiations may be made with the mortgage lender to give up his rights to hold you and your spouse responsible for any balance that is left owing after the sale.

Sell My House After Divorce

splitting assets so I can sell my house before or after divorce

If you are able to communicate with your spouse on a reasonable level you both may be able to come to an agreement not to sell the house until the circumstances are more favorable. You may both decide that it would be more beneficial to you financially to sell the house when the housing market is in your favor. Or, until you are able to pay down the mortgage so you don’t have to deal with negative equity.

Some couples who realize that they are both going to be in a tough financial situation because of the divorce are willing to make some concessions. They will both hold onto the title of the home and both remain living in it. One may occupy the basement while the other takes the upper level. While this is a good attempt at trying to find a plausible solution to the financial dilemma it doesn’t usually work out well.

Another option when considering selling a house before or after divorce, when it’s not the right time, is to still keep the title in both names.

However, one will move out of the home while the other remains in it. This still incurs some additional expenses and potential financial hardships for both parties.

While there are several options that relate to not selling the house at the moment it is important that whatever agreement is made is put in writing. Things change after the divorce and decisions that are made prior to or during the divorce proceeding may be ones that don’t seem feasible after the divorce is final.

If the decision to sell has been reached where the house will not be sold until after the divorce, then other factors need to be considered.

It will have to be determined who is going to continue to pay the mortgage. Agreements will have to be made as to who is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance and paying the utilities and expenses.

Ideally, these types of agreements and arrangements should be made under the advice and direction of the respective lawyers for both parties.

So Should I sell My House Before or After Divorce?

paperwork on whether to sell my house before or after divorce

There are pros and cons to both selling a house before a divorce or after a divorce and it takes careful thinking and planning and being logical when making decisions. Relying on the right advice and resources can help you make that decision.

Find out more about whether a house will need to be sold during divorce by reading this article.

Sell Your House After a Divorce

If you need to sell your San Antonio house fast, we’ll give you a cash offer as soon as 24 hours! To get your cash offer, or to get answers to any questions you have, call us at 210-596-9669. There are no obligations in contacting us!

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.

I Need to Sell My House, What Should I Do?

March 20, 2024 • Matthew

“Help! I need to sell my house!”

It happens all the time. People have situations that leaves them saying “I need to sell my house NOW!”

There are many reasons a homeowner may be looking to sell this year. Job relocation, family transplanting, or property downsizing are all common factors when considering to sell. With 2016’s healthy housing market and continual recession recovery, capitalizing on a seller’s market is a smart, financially sound decision many homeowners are making. But many sellers wonder where to even start. How do I let go of my property when I need to sell my house fast?

stressed because i need to sell my house

When you’re thinking ‘I need to sell my house fast’, homeowners may believe diving right in will save them time and money. If selling as soon as possible is a priority, knowing the overall selling process and the few considerations involved will be invaluable information that will shorten your property’s time on the market. Before initiating the selling process, homeowners should consider these simple steps to ensure their home is sold as quickly and efficiently as possible.

How Much Do You Owe?

Knowing as much about your property as possible is a great place to start your selling process. How much square feet are you working with? How old is the property and has it appreciated during the years you’ve owned it? Are there any major repairs or updates needed that might impede a sell? The answers to these and multiple other questions will not only help you sell your home to potential buyers but also give you a general estimation on how much to price it.

One of the most important questions homeowners must answer, however, is about their preexisting mortgage. How much money is left on your loan? Unless you’re keeping hard copies of the mortgage bill each month – a highly recommended strategy for anyone with long lasting payment plans – you might not be able to recite the exact figure off the top of your head. Thankfully, homeowners can remedy this issue rather quickly.

Determining the principal amount owed on a home loan is simple. A short call to the mortgage lender can give you all types of information: last amount paid, interest rates, payment plan terms, and even the exact amount still owed. Why is this information pertinent to homeowners looking to sell? Unless a homeowner is gripped with an underwater mortgage, knowing how much you owe means knowing how much profit you’ll potentially make from selling your home. Homeowners can make a pretty penny if they sell their property for more than what they owe. The capital (gains) earned can be taxed dependent on state and the situation, but most homeowners earn at least a few thousand dollars at closing. This can help pay off commission and selling fees or used as a basis for a new property. The more a homeowner knows about their mortgage, the better off they’ll be when starting the selling process.

A Little Research Goes a Long Way

i need to sell my house research

Taking the time to research your property is one of the most important steps when looking to sell your home. Unless a homeowner knows what similar houses are selling for, how long they’re typically on the market, and if those homes are in better condition, homeowners looking to sell are at a serious disadvantage.

Put in the effort and do some quick research for a fair home estimate. Most homeowners don’t know what their property is actually worth without requiring the aid of a professional. Whether it’s an appraisal or using the aid of an inspection, homeowners can be clueless to the value of their house. Without hiring professionals that require tremendous fees, an hour online can provide a safe estimate on your house.

What are the best sources to use when I need to sell my house? Third party real estate sites can offer property information in a particular region without calling in the professionals. Utilizing sites like Zillow and Trulia, homeowners will be able to compare their home to others on the market that have similar upgrades. Knowing what comparable homes in the same shape sold for is essential when determining a selling price. These sites also give statistics on homes. These stats can show how long a particular property took to sell. When needing to sell fast, knowing a home’s timeline on the market is essential.

Selling with an Agent

i need to sell my house with an agent

After gathering all the information you can about your property, it’s time to sell. Many homeowners are convinced that hiring a real estate agent to sell their property is the smartest decision. But selling with an agent can leave you in the housing market limbo for months at a time. If I need to sell my house right now, I’ll avoid real estate companies and travel the For Sale By Owner (FSBO) route.

Selling with an agent has its perks. Agents typically pay for your home’s advertising, prep for open houses, and find potential buyers. But these perks come at a steep price some homeowners aren’t willing to pay. Keeping your home in peek condition is one sacrifice sellers must make when using an agent to sell their property. Unless your family is immaculate and your property is already in showroom condition, sprucing up a property to meet a realtor’s expectations can be both time consuming and costly.

Realtors aren’t cheap either. Although they offer services that some busy homeowners may be thinking “but I need to sell my house now”, and most property owners can do what an agent does at a fraction of the price. Advertising your home on sites or in the paper can be just as effective as paying a premium for a realtor. Homeowners can also orchestrate their own open houses to attract buyers. Setting your home and providing information via homemade brochures require little time or cost. If you find yourself thinking “I need to sell my house quickly“, forego the hired help and do it yourself.

Selling with Matt Buys Houses TX

i need to sell my house fast

When I need to sell my house as quickly as possible, I seek out cash buyers. Not only do they offer fair prices on properties, home buyers provide the shortest timeline when selling. Forget three months on the housing market; how about three days? If you’re looking for a trustworthy cash buyer company with years of experience, consider Matt Buys Houses TX.

Avoid the typical hassles when selling your home. Matt Buys Houses TX can close within a week. Homeowners don’t need to make major repairs or updates to receive a fair cash offer; Matt Buys Houses TX will buy any property fast. Instead of paying for the appraisals, inspections, surveys, and closing costs associated with hiring an agent, Matt Buys Houses TX will buy your home without demanding out-of-pocket expenses. There’s no catch!

Capitalize on 2016’s healthy housing market by selling your property as soon as possible. If you want the best offer with the speediest time frame, consider Matt Buys Houses TX. They provide the smoothest transition between selling and moving without paying a dime.

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.

Can You Refinance a House After Divorce?

March 13, 2024 • Matthew

As a single parent, affording a mortgage can be incredibly difficult. We’ve discussed what the divorce house buyout means, but we haven’t touched upon being able to refinance house after divorce. In this article we will cover refinance of the house before or after divorce, we will look at what happens if you can’t refinance the house after divorce and the buyout process.

refinance this house after divorce

Do I have to refinance house after divorce?

Most likely, especially if you wish to keep your partner off the loan. If you are the one who keeps the home after the divorce, you will have to take the loan while the other spouse goes through the buyout. Refinancing takes time and it’s often an emotional process. The first question you need to ask yourself is: are you able to do it?

There are a few ways you can get your name off a loan without even having to sell the house or refinance.

One of them is loan assumption…

What is loan assumption?

It means taking over the mortgage and continue to make regular payments as you were doing before without having to sell or refinance house after divorce. There are a couple of cons to loan assumption – as a single parent, it might be extremely hard to get qualified. When dealing with loan assumption you need to make sure you carefully read all necessary paperwork.

Taking a mortgage is another way you will be able to refinance house after divorce.

What happens if you can’t refinance house after divorce?

Apart from your ex staying on the loan, he is allowed to take you to court if you’re not able to refinance house after a divorce.

So to officially become the sole owner of the house, you will need to get a new mortgage.

a mountain house after divorce

So how do you get a mortgage after divorce?

My best tip is to make sure your spouse’s name is off the mortgage. You are no longer in charge of your ex’s financial situation, hence, getting his or her name off the mortgage might actually better your credit.

Your ex will then need to refinance his part of the mortgage while you continue to pay your own. Along with decreasing your debt and increasing payments over a shorter time, this will enable you to apply for a new loan.

While you’re going through a divorce, you should never buy a home – your credit rates will get lower and you will lose money. If your spouse’s lawyers find that out, they will fight for that money.
Getting a new mortgage as a single parent
Not everyone is in a stable financial situation after divorce, especially if you’re a stay-at-home mother.

thinking about refinancing a house after divorce

Finder wrote an absolutely amazing single parent’s no-nonsense guide to affording a home.

Step 1: Compare mortgage brokers
With mortgage brokers, you will be able to find a way to refinance house after divorce as a single parent with their knowledge on all suitable mortgage programs.

Step 2: Find government assistance
There are several income assistance benefits that could help single parents, including Family Tax Benefit A & B, Parenting Payment and the Child Care Benefit.

Step 3: Calculate your current income
My best advice is to consult with a financial advisor if you budgeting isn’t your finest skill. Know how much you earn and how much you can spend on a mortgage.

Step 4: Find a way to make more money.
Working from home, renting out a room in your house (read our articles on becoming a landlord!), and more. There are several different ways you can make more money to afford your mortgage.

Step 5: Choose the right loan
Again, a financial advisor might help you out with this one – getting the right loan that you can actually afford and pay off within time is essential.

Tips on affording mortgage with one income

  • Get a bigger deposit. It’ll help you lower the mortgage fee.
  • Always borrow what you can actually pay back – you never know what might happen to your financial state.
  • Reduce your credit card limit – even if you don’t use your card, your bank might think that you owe money. Reducing it to 50% might help you get a better mortgage deal.

cold feeling dealing with refinancing a house after divorce

Pros and Cons of Home Ownership

Home ownership pros:

  • Confidence in being independent.
  • Example for your children.
  • Payoff from your taxes.
  • Increase value on your home.
  • The ability to pay off your home eventually.

Home ownership cons:

  • Difficulties selling the home fast if relocation is in order (however, you can always go with a cash home buyer).
  • Improvements on your home might be steep financially.
  • Decrease of the value might affect your ability to sell your home later.
  • Sudden relocation necessities due to your spouses relocation if children are involved.

Learn more: Zillow offers a fantastic mortgage calculator – the payment breakdown will help you budget and the full report gives you the chance to see your full financial state, including how much you will spend on interest. Please note that these numbers might differ depending on the mortgage you are able to get.

If you are contemplating dealing with the house during a divorce, consider a divorce house buyout.

Interested in Selling to a Cash Home Buyer in San Antonio?

If you’re interested in selling a house to a cash buyer, you’re in for a treat. Matt Buys Houses TX is a reliable service, operating in San Antonio, TX.

How it works?

You give us a call, we give you a cash offer in 24 hours and your house can be sold in just 2 days if necessary. Got any repairs on the house? Doesn’t matter!

Give us a call on 210-596-9669 and sell your house in less than a week!

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.

We Buy Houses Fast in San Antonio, TX

March 6, 2024 • Matthew

You’ve probably seen ‘we buy houses fast’ signs in San Antonio, TX, and wondered what they were about. Well… we buy houses fast in San Antonio, TX and I’ll tell you why.

First of all, welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find plenty of helpful articles on real estate, ranging from buying and selling your house to renting out your property. We offer tips and advice to anyone interested in the real estate business.

we buy houses fast

I need to sell my house fast!

You came to the right place.

In this article, I’ll discuss the importance of our house buying business and why you should consider a cash house buyer instead of going through the usual long house-selling process.

Companies that buy houses quickly are on the rise and you probably know a few people who buy houses fast. Are you ready to discover this real estate industry changer? We buy houses fast!

What are the pros of selling to a cash house buyer?

Selling to a cash house buyer has many advantages you’re probably not aware of. In this article, we’ll look at a few detailed ways selling your house fast can benefit you more than selling to an agent.

  • You can avoid foreclosure

Many people are looking for tips and tricks on how to avoid foreclosure. With a cash house buyer company, you can do just that. Being able to sell your house before it goes into a foreclosure is extremely rare and almost impossible when you’re selling to an agent. But with a cash house buyer, avoiding foreclosure is just one of many benefits you can get.

We have bought from a client that was facing foreclosure the very next day by getting the bank to agree to avoid having the house go to auction because we were going to buy it and then closed on the very next day. It’s fast, it’s safe and reliable. And we help you every step of the way.

  • We buy houses fast

It’s a fast process. Your house can be bought in just a few days, or, if you’re not ready yet, in a few months. It’s completely up to you. It’s an ideal choice for those who need to relocate quickly and don’t have time to go through the long process of selling to an agent. We are safe, reliable and completely trustworthy.

  • No hidden fees

We don’t charge fees. Not even for offering you real estate advice. You simply fill out a form, we call you back and it’s a done deal. Real estate business is fast and selling your house used to take a lot of time away from people – not anymore.

  • No repairs!

We buy houses fast and take them in any state – you won’t have to worry about making repairs or making sure your house is in a perfect condition. All those things just delay the selling process and that’s the last thing you want. We completely get it.

  • Absolutely no paperwork

We mean it when we say no paperwork. No bank loan approvals, no foreclosure, nothing. Just a quick and safe sale. Imagine never having to fill or scan piles of documents, get references, and deal with all unnecessary things again.

  • You decide when you want to sell your house

So, you need cash in 2 days time? No problem! Or do you want to take your time and can’t currently move out, but you’re still thinking about selling your house? Are you a veteran from San Antonio who needs to relocate? It doesn’t matter – we will cater to your needs. Try us!

So how safe is cash house buying?

we buy houses fast with cash

It’s natural for people to question a no stings attached process. I talk more about how to spot cash house buying scammers in my other articles, but you should know that scammers can be found in absolutely every profession. Cash house buying is completely safe if you know who to trust and how to spot scammers – there are as many scammers as there are legitimate companies. Always be careful and always be safe. Remember, there are people who use the popularity of the ‘we buy houses’ campaigns to take advantage of homeowners. Always be careful of ‘we buy houses’ scams!

How do you spot cash house buying scammers?

When researching the company, it’s important to check their credentials. Google their name beyond the first page and use different keywords to see what comes up.

A safe and legitimate company that buys houses quickly will always be ready to answer any questions you might have about the process. As us, they might even have a detailed blog with benefits on selling or buying your house.

The team behind Matt Buys Houses TX works hard to make sure you are provided with the best information possible- Sell your house fast and do it the right way.

What is the biggest benefit of buying houses fast with cash?

we buy houses fast for sale

We talked about the pros of selling to a cash house buyer. But the biggest benefit of people who actually buy houses fast is the freedom of living without a mortgage. Imagine no monthly mortgage payments, nothing that takes away a huge portion of your income. That feeling of being mortgage-free is absolutely incredible, and this why many people are buying houses with cash.

Buying a house with cash also benefits your credit score. Applying for various types of credit is easy when you don’t have mortgage payments holding you down.

We buy houses fast

We buy houses fast. It’s what I do. I’m ready to help you with anything you might need. My website can provide you with all answers you might have on the house-buying process, but we don’t just stop there. Thinking of becoming a landlord? Going through a divorce? Wondering how to stop foreclosure? Or just in need of simple advice on how to sell your house fast? All information is available to you for FREE.

And if you’re still not happy with what you find – give me a call. I’ll make sure all your questions are answered so you can sell your house for cash fast and safe.

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.

What is a Divorce House Buyout?

February 28, 2024 • Matthew

Divorce house buyout may seem to add more complications in the divorce process. Getting a divorce can bring a lot of stress on yourself, your spouse and your entire family. From splitting your belongings to going into court and everything in between – one of the things you will also need to consider is who will keep the house. Will you sell it? Will you rent it out? There are plenty of options out there – but one of them is divorce house buyout.

In this article, I will present what is a divorce house buyout, how to reach a divorce house buyout agreement and what are the best options you can consider when facing a divorce.

Let’s do this step by step.

What is a buyout?

If you’re completely new to real estate, you might be asking yourself ‘what is a buyout’ in the first place.

In the case of a divorce, the ex-partners will have to decide on splitting their belongings, assets, and even property.

This is where divorce buyout comes in.

Selling a house during divorce might sometimes be a harder emotional investment and often it is just easier to buyout the house from your ex spouse. This means that the person who wishes to keep the home will pay for the mortgage of the house.

As an example, if you bought your home for $1,000,000 and put a mortgage of $600,000, the buyout is equal to $400,000 and is paid by the person who wishes to keep the home. Can’t decide who should make the buyout? Keep on reading!

divorce house buyout america house

Things to consider before divorce house buyout:

  • Can you financially afford it? (you will also have to take care of the real estate taxes)
  • You will need to completely refinance the house to avoid any bank debt.
  • How will you divide expenses?
  • At what date will the buyout occur? Make sure the date is set.
  • Who is buying the house?
  • Speak to a mortgage professional.

How to reach a divorce house buyout agreement

If possible, make sure to communicate everything with your ex-spouse. Divide the assets, weigh out pros and cons and speak to a lawyer or a personal finance assistant who can help you come up with a buyout payment plan.

Is a divorce house buyout common?

Yes! In fact, it often is a part of the divorce settlement. Usually one of the people in the couple ends up buying the property (which includes refinance the old loan and taking out a new loan if applicable) or they give up their second home (which should be worth about the same amount).

Do I need a lawyer?

If you’re on good terms with your spouse, a lawyer will not be necessary. However, if you cannot reach any kind of agreement on your divorce, you need to hire a divorce lawyer to make sure your possessions will be divided equally and in a fair way. Please note that if you are not on good terms with your spouse, getting a divorce lawyer might mean it will take a longer time before a buyout decision is made.

divorce house buyout plan

Do I need to worry about taxes when we do a buyout of the house?

No. Taxes and capital gains are only applied if you and your spouse decide to sell the house or if the buyout occurs and the person who is buying the house later decides to sell the property.

According to DivorceNet, “If you sell your house, you and your spouse can each exclude the first $250,000 of gain from your taxable income.” This, of course, depends on the state you live in, however, taxes do not apply when a divorce house buyout is made.

Anything else I need to know about a buyout?

Real estate agents don’t usually get involved in the buyout process. This means that determining the value will be a lot harder – or, in fact, easier. Sit down with your spouse and put a value on your property. If no agreement is made, do some research on properties currently being sold in your area. If nothing works and you can’t get to an agreement, you will have to hire a real estate appraiser who will determine the value of your home.

What are some refinancing issues when it comes to a buyout?

As mentioned earlier, you will need to refinance the mortgage on the house. You can either take out a loan which will help pay off the old loan or simply refinance the loan by yourself. You also need to ask yourself how will this affect your interest rate and whether or not your credit score allows you to take out a new mortgage.

Sole owner of the house math made simple:

Principal balance + equity = loan amount
Principal balance + ½ of equity = payoff
In other words, the buyout payoff equals the principal balance of your mortgage and half of equity.

What is equity?

Equity simply means the value of the property which excludes the mortgage. Please note that due to the value of the property being different on a daily basis, you will need to recalculate equity often.

Selling your house after divorce

divorce house buyout selling home

Another option is, of course, to sell your house after a divorce. If you’re looking to sell your house fast and without a fuss, check out Matt Buys Houses TX. We take any kinds of houses (even those that need repairs) and we give an offer within 24 hours. Your house can be sold in a week!

Even if you don’t sell to Matt Buys Houses TX, feel free to ask us any questions you may have regarding selling your house. We’ve helped hundreds of homeowners sell their San Antonio houses. Give us a call now at 210-596-9669.

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.

5 Tips to Sell Vacant Lots or Land Quickly in Texas to Matt Buys Houses TX

February 23, 2024 • Matthew

5 Tips to Sell Your Vacant Lot or Land Quickly to

Are you a landowner in Texas looking to sell your vacant lot or land swiftly and effortlessly? Matt Buys Houses TX specializes in direct land acquisitions, offering a seamless solution for property owners across San Antonio, Austin, Bastrop, College Station, Waco, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, and beyond. Here are five strategic tips to expedite the process and sell your vacant lot or land directly to Matt Buys Houses TX:

1. Determine Your Property’s True Value with Our Expert Assessment:

  • Let Matt Buys Houses TX provide you with a comprehensive evaluation of your land’s worth. Our seasoned professionals conduct in-depth analyses to ensure you receive a fair and competitive offer reflective of your property’s true value in the current market.

2. Simplify the Transaction Process with Our Direct Buying Approach:

  • Skip the hassle of traditional real estate transactions by selling your vacant lot or land directly to Matt Buys Houses TX. Our straightforward buying process eliminates the need for listings, showings, and negotiations with third-party buyers, saving you time and effort.

3. Benefit from Our Expedited Closing Times for a Swift Sale:

  • Experience the convenience of swift closings with Matt Buys Houses TX. We prioritize efficiency and aim to complete transactions promptly, allowing you to access the funds from your land sale quickly and without delay.

4. Avoid the Hassle of Marketing with Our Direct Purchase Option:

  • Say goodbye to the complexities of marketing your land to potential buyers. Matt Buys Houses TX offers a direct purchase option, sparing you the need to invest time and resources into advertising and showcasing your property to the public.

5. Enjoy a Stress-Free Selling Experience with Our Dedicated Team:

  • Sell your vacant lot or land with confidence, knowing that Matt Buys Houses TX is committed to providing you with a stress-free selling experience. Our dedicated team handles all aspects of the transaction with professionalism and expertise, ensuring a smooth and seamless process from start to finish.

In conclusion, selling your vacant lot or land in Texas has never been easier than with Matt Buys Houses TX. With our direct buying approach, expedited closing times, and dedicated team, you can sell your property quickly and efficiently, allowing you to move forward with confidence. If you’re ready to sell your vacant lot or land to a trusted buyer, contact Matt Buys Houses TX today to explore your options and take the first step towards a successful sale.

Who Gets the House in a Divorce in San Antonio, TX

February 21, 2024 • Matthew

Divorce brings a toll on everything in your life – you are suddenly single, you need to decide how you will divide your belongings, kids, pets and, of course, who gets the house in a divorce. It’s an emotional and stressful process that sometimes takes years to end – but it doesn’t have to be.

In this article I will talk about who gets the house in a divorce, divorce property settlement, what happens to the house during the divorce process, who gets what and marital home rights.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

who gets the house in a divorce

Let’s start at the beginning.

HowStuffWorks defines 3 steps of divorce:

  • Separation
  • Divorce property settlement
  • Child support and alimony

In this article, we will look at step number 2 bit closer.

Who Gets The House In A Divorce?

Also known as divorce property settlement.

Normally, properties are categorized in two different types: Marital, and Separate.

Separate property

Please note that the definitions of Separate Properties vary by state, but normally, Separate Property refers to properties owned by the person before the marriage, a property you have inherited before or after the marriage or a property which you have received as a gift.

When you add your spouse as a co-owner of the property, you lose the Separate Property status – the property is now Marital Property.

Marital Property

Here’s how GalTime defines Marital property:”Marital Property consists of all income and assets acquired by either spouse during the marriage including, but not limited to: Pension Plans; 401Ks, IRAs and other Retirement Plans; Deferred Compensation; Stock Options; Restricted Stocks and other equity; Bonuses; Commissions; Country Club memberships; Annuities; Life Insurance (especially those with cash values); Brokerage accounts – mutual funds, stocks, bonds, etc; Bank Accounts – Checking, Savings, Christmas Club, CDs, etc; Closely-held businesses; Professional Practices and licenses; Real Estate; Limited Partnerships; Cars, boats, etc; Art, antiques; Tax refunds.”

wondering who gets the house in a divorce

When is Separate property considered Marital Property?

Some states will also differ between Active and Passive Appreciation when it comes to Separate vs. Marital Property.

Active Appreciation simply means that your partner contributes directly or indirectly to the house income.

Passive Appreciation is a bit more complicated. If you used any of your marital income on your personal property, it can be considered as a marital property.

So who gets what?

When dividing your assets, these things are taken into consideration:

  • How long your marriage lasted
  • Separately calculated income of the spouses
  • Living style and standards
  • Your emotional and physical health
  • Financial situation after the divorce
  • Custody needs

feeling divided on who gets the house in a divorce

Divorce takes time and it involves more than just you and your spouse. When you’re dealing with divorce property settlement, it’s best to hire a divorce lawyer. However, by doing so it makes it impossible to predict who will get what, including who gets the house in a divorce.

When should you take your divorce to court?

Hire a reputable divorce lawyer first – they will do their best to help you settle things in a civilized matter. If your spouse is not cooperating or refuses to get in contact, that’s when you should consider taking divorce to court.

I also suggest taking a look at The Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act which looks closely at property settlement laws for eight states as well as child custody, the division assets and more. All your questions about who gets the house in a divorce will be answered.

What about divorce house buyout?

In a buyout, you will first have to determine the value of the house.

The easiest and simplest way to determine the value of the house is to sit down with your spouse and agree on it – however, it is hardly ever that simple. Again, this is where your divorce lawyer or your financial advisor will be able to help you.

deciding who gets the house in a divorce

Can I be forced to give up the house?

In order to avoid having to give up the house, you need to make sure you agree on some kind of a financial settlement. This is where a buyout comes into play. If you’re financially unable to fulfill the court requests, the best option is to sell the house and opt out to buy a house with a smaller value.

The court often also takes the welfare of your children into consideration – often the children stay in the family home due to the number of assets, the lifestyle and the courtesy of causing as little disrupting as possible.

So what should my first steps be?

Firstly, I suggest sitting down with your spouse and really talk about who gets the house in a divorce. Determine how you will divide your assets, think of custody and property settlement. If a decision has been made or in the case of no cooperation, your next step would be to contact the divorce lawyer and determine whether you need to take things to court.

Divorce is a complicated process and often the most stressful time for most people. Think clearly and don’t make any quick decisions, especially if you have children. If possible, make sure that things are fair and understandable for both parties.

Thinking of selling your house after the divorce?

Give us a call on 210-596-9669 – we buy houses and give you a cash offer within 24 hours – your house could be sold in a week! Moving on has never been this easy. Are you worried about repairs? Don’t be – we will take a house in any given state.

We’ve helped hundreds of homeowners sell their San Antonio houses. Give us a call on 210-596-9669 to receive your first quote! We will answer any real estate questions you might have.

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.

Can You Sell a House Without Probate in Texas?

October 21, 2021 • Matthew

In this article, I will explain everything you need to know about selling a house without probate. We will also look at how probate works, how you can sell a house before and without probate and how Affidavit of Heirship, Small Estate Affidavit and Judicial Determination of Heirship work.

But, first thing’s first.

What is a probate?

First, let’s look at what a probate sale means.

The dictionary identifies several meanings of the word probate, however, in our case, it’s a method of administrating a property after you die.

House with a lot of windows. Can You Sell a House Without Probate?Probate is used to transfer your property in an orderly matter.

Is selling a house without probate possible?

Yes. Your will determines the transfer of your estate during a probate. If you don’t have a will, the transfer is decided by the laws of your state – and that’s when you are able to avoid probate. In this article, I define 7 ways you can avoid probate and sell your house fast.

Beautiful view of clouds and houses.

How does a probate work?

N. Brian Caverly and Jordan S. Simon defined four processes to a probate:

  • Swearing in your personal representative
  • The public and heirs are notified you are dead
  • Your property goes through inventory
  • Your estate is distributed

So how can I get away with selling a house without probate?

Selling a house without probate is a lot easier than you think.

A real estate agent might often tell you that your house cannot be sold unless it’s probated. They are WRONG.

Selling a house without probate is possible and it is, in fact, very common.

Houses with a lake and a forest

SFgate identifies four ways of selling a house without probate:


If you’re lucky enough and the decedent placed his property in a living trust, you will avoid probate. If you are named as a trustee, you are able to sell the house without probate court approval.

Jointly Held Real Estate

In California, joint tenancy is free of probate. If you are the executor and the co-owner of the property, you are also free of probate and have full authority after solo ownership.

Independent Administration of Estates Act

Independent Administration of Estates Act doesn’t really avoid probate, at least not completely. Instead, you are able to avoid probate under specific circumstances. 90% rule applies – as the executor, you can sell the house for at least 90% of its value. However, you must give notice to those interested in the property and get an approval from the court. This is bypassed if the deceased clearly states that you are solely responsible for the property after his or hers death.

Summary Probate

Properties of a smaller or limited value can be appraised and filed for a smaller affidavit instead. Depending on the state, these values may differ.

house on wooden background

Do you live in Texas?

Here are three more ways you can sell a house without probate in Texas.

Affidavit of Heirship, Small Estate Affidavit and Judicial Determination of Heirship

Affidavit of Heirship

You can use Affidavit of Heirship when your loved one died and didn’t leave a will, however, you are still left with a property.

In the case of no will, the probate is not needed. Just file the Affidavit of Heirship and sell your house FAST.

The Affidavit of Heirship requires two witnesses who must swear under Oath. The two witnesses must:

  • State they knew the deceased
  • The date and place of death of the deceased
  • The relations to the deceased
  • A statement of the deceased’s debts
  • A statement that they will not gain financially from the property.

Small Estate Affidavit

The Small Estate Affidavit is filed in the same country in which the Decedent resided during the time of their death.

Along with the same information as was stated in the Affidavit of Heirship, the witness must also provide signatures of all heirs and two objective witnesses.

Please note that this option will only avoid probate if the property value is less than $50,000.

Judicial Determination of Heirship

If the deceased hasn’t left a will, Judicial Determination of Heirship can also be applied. In this case, the court acts in charge and determines the heirs, which can often resolve in a distribution of the property among these heirs.

Out of the three options, the Judicial Determination of Heirship is the most time-consuming and the most expensive. You will have to file an application with the Probate Court, the Court will appoint an attorney who will investigate the identity of the heirs and schedule a hearing once the procedure was done.

When someone dies without leaving a Will, the Court can conduct a formal Determination of Heirship. During this process, the Court will make a formal declaration as to the identity of the Decedent’s heirs. Pursuant to that declaration of the heirs, the Decedent’s property can be divided and distributed among the heirs.

Ready to sell?

Matt Buys Houses TX, located in San Antonio, will give you a cash offer on your property in less than 24 hours of making a request. As a bonus point, your property can be sold in less than a week.

We buy houses in the San Antonio area. If you need to sell your San Antonio area house fast and would like to get a no-obligation cash offer, call us now at 210-596-9669. Whether you decide to sell your house to us or not, Matt Buys Houses TX would like to help answer questions you might have about the process.

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.