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Questions to Ask when Selling a House for Cash in San Antonio

December 25, 2024 • Matthew

Questions to Ask When Selling a House

questions to ask when selling a house for cash

Once you have decided that it is time to sell your house then you have some tasks ahead of you. You need to compile a list of questions to ask when selling a house. This will act as a blueprint for taking you through the successful sale of your property.

The types of questions to ask when buying a house will all depend on which method you are going to be using for this sale. You may have decided to sell your house through a real estate agent. Then you may be thinking of trying to sell it yourself. You may also want to check out we buy houses for cash reviews to see if this is an option for you. Each of these home selling methods will raise different questions to ask when selling a house. You may also have some questions you should ask buyers.

Using the Cash Buyers Option

You may decide that selling your house to cash buyers is your best option. If so, then you can narrow down your queries to what to ask a cash buyer.

The questions to ask when selling a house are important. The answers will help you determine if this is the best deal that you can get.

To get you started with this option you need to build your confidence in that this is the right choice. This can be done by checking out the we buy houses for cash reviews. This will give you some insight as to how satisfied other sellers were when using this method.

What Questions to Ask a Cash Buyer

questions to ask when selling a house to cash buyers

Knowing what to ask a cash buyer will make sure that you will be making an informed decision.

Can the Cash Buyer Provide You With Proof That They Have the Cash To Buy?

If you are using a cash buyer then this means you are going to get all cash for the sale of your home. This is great as your home sale will be completed quickly and easily.  You need to know that the cash buyer truly does have all the funds up front for this transaction. This is one of the most important questions you should ask buyers who are willing to purchase with all cash. There should be no difficulties for the buyer being able to provide this information. They can do it through a bank letter or a bank statement for example.

What Made the Cash Buyer Offer the Price They are Proposing?

One of the general questions to ask when selling a house is how much is the fair market value of the property? This is so you can set a sale price that is compliant with the current market. A cash buyer will normally tell you the amount they are willing to pay. Don’t be afraid to ask what metrics they used to arrive at this amount. This will give you a better understanding as to what they have based the offer on.

Is This a Genuine Offer?

You need to know that the offer being made is one that is genuine. Is the buyer going to follow through with this cash offer? You do not want to be dealing with a cash buyer that is just looking to lock up your property. Some may do this so you can’t sell it to someone else. During this time they will try and negotiate a lower price that ends up being much lower than you expected.

Why Is the Cash Buyer Purchasing Your House?

important questions to ask when selling a house to cash buyers

It may seem that you shouldn’t care as to why the cash buyer wants your property. However, the reasons are the driving factor for the cash buyer to make the offer. Some cash buyers are purchasing so they can fix up the home and sell it at a better price later on. Others are buying it so they can hold onto it for a long term investment. Either of these reasons are valid reasons as to why a cash buyer may want your home. Trusted cash buyers will not have any difficulty  being transparent. They will gladly give the reasons for purchase. If you get a straight answer, this will build your level of trust with this type of buyer.

Some may give you some bogus story. Stating how they just love your home and have to have it. You may want to be a little wary about doing a transaction with this individual.

The Other Options

The other two options for home selling are through a realtor, or selling yourself. If you have done this before you know how complex it can be. Using a real estate agent means you need to comprise several questions for selling a house. Then you have the hassles of accommodating home showings. You may have to wait until the right offer comes along. If you decide to sell yourself there are additional problems that can come with this. You need to do a lot of research and learning of the basics of selling a home. Then you have to know where to market it. Plus, make time for all the showings. Not to mention all of the legalities that will come with it.

The Best Option

are you using questions to ask when selling a house the right way

When you look at all of the options for selling a home, the cash buyer option really is the best and the most effective. You need to feel confident with the answers you received based on the questions you should ask buyers. You will find that with this type of sale you have saved time and money. You don’t have to wait for the right buyer to come along. You don’t have to pay the real estate fees. Plus, you don’t have the hassles of home viewings. These are all big bonuses when you want to sell your home quickly and easily.

There are some horror stories floating around about those who sold a home to a cash buyer. However, there is good and bad in every industry. There are many reputable cash home buyers that are honest and trustworthy. The owners is upon you to ask the right questions to ensure you have chosen the right buyer.

Sell Your House Without the Hassle

we're here to help sell my house by auction

Don’t be caught up in the stress of selling a house. We’re here to help! We understand how stressful selling a house is. At Matt Buys Houses TX, we’ll make you a no obligations cash offer for your house in order to help you avoid feeling like you have to auction your house.

Have a question? Give us a call! We’re always ready to talk. No matter if you have questions about the house selling process, or want to get a quote for your house, we’re more than happy to help! Reach us at 210-596-9669, or send us a message on our website!

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.

Need to Sell Your Elderly Parents Home in San Antonio, Texas?

December 18, 2024 • Matthew

It’s come time to prepare to sell your elderly parents home. Everyone typically puts it off as long as possible, but as parents age, the cost of caring for them rises and in most cases, it’s inevitable that you’ll have to face selling your parents house. Caregiving takes its toll financially as well as physically and emotionally. Some medical expenses are covered by Medicare, Medicaid or insurance, but there is always something popping up unexpectedly. Sometimes it’s those midnight runs to the ER or urgent care than take a toll physically and prohibit you from working the hours you need to just to make ends meet.

For many, the toll of caregiving only leaves them the option of selling. As much as you probably hate to face it, you’ll likely need to sell your elderly parents home. It’s important to know how to get a house ready to sell, and how to handle the sell. You may have several questions like Do I know how to sell my parents house?  Can I put it up for sale by owner?  Or How do I sell my parents house before death?  There are plenty of questions and plenty of answers when you are in the position to sell your elderly parents home.

Can I sell my parents house before death?

need to sell your elderly parents home fast

One question that comes up a lot is, “Can I sell my parents house before death?” And the answer is yes. You can, and may need to, look at selling your parents house before they are deceased. You may need that money to help pay for their care in one way or another. You will need their consent or be named their power of attorney with specific stipulations for handling decisions pertaining to property and finances. Read this paperwork carefully and discuss it with a legal professional as there are different types of PAOs that allow for a third party to handle different types of decisions.

How can I put up the house for sale by owner?

If you want to look into the option of advertising the property for sale by owner, you will need to be the “owner.” This method may get the house sold, but it can be a long, drawn-out process for you as well as for your parents. Selling the house yourself rather than going through a real estate agency can save you some money, but then you’ve got to deal with the responsibility of handling all the marketing, finding a buyer and making sure they can handle it financially. You’ll also need to handle all the paperwork and closing costs in order make the sale.

Tips for Selling Your Parents House

tips for when you need to sell your elderly parents home

Selling your parents house can be a huge undertaking. Selling any house can be difficult, but it can be emotional and challenging when you are trying to sell your elderly parents home. Here are a few tips for those asking about how to sell my parents house.

  • What financial obligations are still outstanding?
  • Are the utilities on and are they in your parent’s name?
  • Do your parents have a will? Have they spoken with an estate planning attorney?
  • Who has power of attorney and authority for selling your parents house?

How to Sell Your Elderly Parents Home

You may still be asking Am I sure I know how to sell my parents house?  Having to sell your elderly parents home is not an easy decision and it’s not easy to prepare it to put on the market either.  When they go into assisted living or a nursing care environment, you may have to deal with a lot of stuff they cannot take with them.

How to get a House Ready to Sell

repairs for the house when you need to sell your elderly parents home

If you need to sell your elderly parents home, you may wonder how to get a house ready to sell. Typically, you’ll need to make repairs, make sure everything is working correctly, hire a landscaper for outdoor areas and just get everything in shape in general. This can be a costly endeavor as well as time-consuming. You may need to paint the house inside and out and do all sorts of things to make it marketable. Most of the time if you go through a real estate agent, they will give you a long list of the things that need to be addressed before even putting it on the market. However, before you ask how to get a house ready to sell, look at one more option. You may consider the option to sell your elderly parents home to a cash buyer.

How to get a House Ready to Sell to a Cash Buyer

Are you still asking, how can I sell my parents house before death? And how can you get it ready for a cash buyer without upsetting your parents? It’s actually simpler to get your parents house ready to sell to a cash buyer. You literally don’t need to do a thing except make a phone call. Just call the investor, or contact them online and ask them to come look at the property. They will come out and take a look at the house and make you a cash offer. When an investor buys a house, they make the purchase as-is. That means they take it just like they see it. You don’t have to make any costly repairs or make any renovations. It’s much easier than other options like going through a marketing agency or putting it up for sale by owner.

Selling your parents house is stressful. Although there are lots of ways to do it, using power of attorney takes time and money. Don’t wait for the house to get sold. If you need your parents house sold ASAP then selling to a cash buyer is your best option.

At Matt Buys Houses TX we specialize in a quick sale so that you can get on with the more important things in life. Don’t stress out about selling your parents’ house. In the event you need to sell your parents’ house before death, give us a call at 210-596-9669. We would love to answer any questions about the house selling process that you might have.

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.

To Do List Before Selling a House in Texas

December 11, 2024 • Matthew

 Creating a To Do List Before Selling Your House

Putting your house on the market may mean that you want to sell quickly. If so, then you now have the task of creating a to do list before selling a house. This is an important first step because there are a lot of things that you can do to lead to the success of a quick house sale.

To Do List Before Selling a House

to do list before selling a house

The first thing you need to do is grab a pen and paper or your tablet. Then get ready to create a to do list before selling a house that you can use as your guideline. Then you want to get ready to do an entire walk through of your home with a critical eye.

How Do I Prepare My House For Sale?

First Item on the to do list before selling a house

On your getting house ready to sell quickly checklist the first item should be to clean. This means going through the entire house and cleaning top to bottom. This is going to be important because a clean house helps to downplay some of the flaws that it may have.

Second Item on the to do list before selling a house

The answer to how do I prepare my house for sale is to get organized and keep an open mind. Look at each room individually. Don’t look at all the things that you appreciate about it. Most of this will have come from your personal touches. Your inspection is the first thing that has to be put on your to do list before selling a house.

Third Item on the things to do to sell a house quickly

This is to get rid of the unwanted and unnecessary items. This means you are going to d-clutter. You will be amazed at just how much free space you will end up with once you do this. Home viewers like to look in cupboards and wardrobes. So when these are d-cluttered it makes them look much more spacious.

Fourth Item on the Getting House Ready to Sell Quickly Checklist

repairs needed in to do list before selling a house

Now you will need to focus on the necessary repairs. These are issues that will be important for encouraging a quick sale. Added to this you may want to do some painting. Be sure to use neutral colors throughout the home. this creates a flow from one room to the other. You don’t have to be concerned as to whether a potential buyer will like your color choices.

Fifth Item on the To Do List Before Selling a House

You want the home to present well. Pay attention to things like natural lighting. If you have heavy drapes on the windows you may want to remove these. Use something lighter so more natural light comes into each room.

Sixth Thing on the To Do List Before Selling a House

Pay attention to any odors that may be lingering in the house. You may have become used to these, so ask someone to come into the home to see if they detect any odors. If you have pets then most likely there will be some pet smells that you will need to deal with. Using a good quality odor eliminator and airing out the home well will do a lot for helping with this. Make sure that you don’t use over powering air freshners prior to a home visit as this can create the sense that you may be masking something like mold, for example.

When  asking yourself how do I prepare my house for sale it is surprising to discover just how much needs to be done.

There are multiple things to do before you list your house as outlined here. But there are still more to add to this.

Additional Things to Do Before You List Your House

there's lots on a to do list before selling a house

Most of what has been listed as things to do to sell a house quickly have dealt with the inside of the home. The outside is going to be just as important. This is what potential buyers are going to first see when they arrive. This is an additional step you need to add to your to do list before selling a house.

You want to attend to any minor repairs that need doing. Perhaps the eaves trough needs repairing or the garage door. Then you want to clean up the gardens. If these are overgrown with weeds it detracts from the look of the home. Also, you will need to keep up with mowing the lawn so the grounds look nicely manicured. Curb appeal is going to play a big role in getting your home sold quickly.

This is a long to do list before selling a house. But it is going to be your road map for answering the question of how do I prepare my house for sale.

Is There a Better Solution?

When you look at this long to do list it can be a little overwhelming. Then you also have to plan a moving list. These two lists of tasks combined can be daunting. There is a way that you can cut all of this in half. This is by selling your home as to a buyer who is willing to buy your home as is. This means you don’t need to go through all of these steps just to prepare your home for a sale. You won’t have the extra expenses of the necessary repairs, or the cost of the paint to repaint all of the rooms. Then on top of this the as is sale means that you won’t be wasting a great deal of time and energy on the old home. It means that you can use all of your resources for packing and preparing for your new house. Plus, it means you don’t have the hassle of having to put up with showings. Or the bickering back and forth over offers. ,a href=”guide-to-sell-a-house-yourself” target=”blank”>Selling your home “as is” is a great way to have a hassle free home selling experience.

Skip the To Do List Before Selling a House with Cash Buyers!

we're here to help sell my house without an agent

Don’t spend all of your time repairing your house to sell. When you sell to a cash buyer, we’ll buy your house in any condition. We’ll buy it as is! At Matt Buys Houses TX, we’ll make you a no obligations cash offer for your house in order to help you avoid the stress of getting your house ready for the market.

Have a question? Give us a call! We’re always ready to talk. No matter if you have questions about the house selling process, or want to get a quote for your house, we’re more than happy to help! Reach us at 210-596-9669, or send us a message on our website!

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.

I Have to Sell Parents House to Pay for Care

December 4, 2024 • Matthew

There are many people in a situation where they need to sell parents house to pay for care. Parents often reach the point where they can no longer take care of themselves, or it’s not safe for them to live independently and they need other arrangements. Sometimes when the elderly have the option of living in an assisted living facility, an elderly community or need 24/7 nursing care, their adult children have to sell parents house to pay for care. How does that work? What are the available methods of selling a parents house? Can you sell parents house after death, or do you need to do it before that time comes? Here are a few tips to help you with these difficult decisions.

Tips for Selling Parent’s House

sell parents house to pay for care tips

When selling parents house, there can be many details that need to be discussed. You will need to make sure if there are any remaining financial obligations and if selling the house will prevent them from getting medical housing. Whether you sell before, or sell parents house after death, these are some of the organizations and businesses you’ll need to discuss your parent’s situation with.

  • Check with the bank to ensure there are no outstanding debts or obligations
  • Contact the Social Security Administration
  • Make sure you have necessary paperwork such as power of attorney to make decisions on your parent’s behalf
  • Check the state of the will if you are going to sell parents house after death
  • Discuss the situation with the rest of the family or other interested parties
  • Contact insurance carriers or other services providers such as home insurance providers
  • If you are to sell parents house after death, check with estate planning or will planning attorneys

How to Sell a House by Owner

how to sell parents house to pay for care

Another option you may consider when you need to sell parents house to pay for care is how to sell a house by owner. If your parents are able, and they own the property, this option might work. However, many times when someone needs to sell parents house to pay for care, this is not a viable option. If, however, your parents gave you power of attorney and the legal right to manage and sell their property, you would have this option. However, if you want to use the sell a house by owner option, then you will be doing all the work yourself instead of hiring a real estate agent. There are some benefits to doing the process yourself, but if you don’t know what you are doing, or how to market the house so it will sell, then you may be biting off more than you can chew. You could get stuck sitting on the property indefinitely trying to find a qualified buyer and paying out of your own pocket for your parent’s care. For most people who need to sell parents house to pay for care it is not the best option available.

Can I sell my Parent’s House After Death?

You may also find yourself in a situation where you need to sell parents house after death. If you have power of attorney and the legal right to do so, you can sell parents house after death. But if you don’t, it could end up in probate and take you an extremely long time before you finally end up selling your parents house. It’s much easier in most cases if you can end up selling parents house before they pass away. It can be more complicated to figure out how to sell a house by owner once they are deceased. This is especially true if they did not deed the house to you before their passing, or you did not inherit the house in their will. But if you either inherited the house, or they deeded it to you, it’s much simpler and you may be asking, “How can I sell my house for cash?”

Can I sell my House for Cash or sell parents house to pay for care?

sell parents house to pay for care to cash buyers

If your parents willed the property to you, or deeded it to you, or just gave you the legal power to sell you may be asking, “can I sell my house for cash?” The answer is yes. Selling parents house for cash is often the best choice you have available if you need to sell parents house to pay for care. It’s easy, it’s fast and there’s no hassles involved. You don’t even have to spend the time fixing the house up if you choose to sell it to a cash buyer. There’s no staging, there’s no repairs and you don’t have to wait for a buyer to qualify and secure all the needed paperwork. An investor will make an offer and if you accept it, they will pay you cash on the spot. They also help get all the paperwork done so there’s no waiting for closing. So, if you wondered if you could,” sell my house for cash,” the answer is Yes!

Sell Your Parents House Fast and Simply

Selling your parents house is stressful. Although there are lots of ways to do it, using power of attorney takes time and money. Don’t wait for the house to get sold. If you need your parents house sold ASAP then selling to a cash buyer is your best option.

Here at Matt Buys Houses TX we specialize in closing on houses quickly so that you can move on to more important things in your life. Selling a house has a lot involved, but not if you’re selling to us. You don’t have to repair your home, we’ll buy it as-is! Have a question about the process or want to get your no obligations offer today? Give us a call at 210-596-9669. We’d love to talk to you!

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.

Why Sell a House to Cash Buyers?

November 27, 2024 • Matthew

Making the decision to sell your home is one of the major decisions you will probably make in your lifetime. There are lots of options, between listing with a real estate agent, selling on your own, and the decision to sell a house to cash buyers. When you are going to do this it requires several different types of planning for the future. You will have some options in the way you want to sell your home. So why should you sell a house to cash buyers? Let’s see what that entails.

Why Sell To Cash Buyers?

why sell a house to cash buyers

The best way to decide to sell a house to cash buyers is to compare this to traditional home selling.

Listing the home Through the Real Estate Agent

If you go through a realtor the first thing that needs to be done is that it has to be inspected by this professional. The realtor will then do an analysis of the market in your area. After this, he will suggest a listing price. You have the final say as to how much you want to put the house on the market for.

Necessary Repairs

Your realtor may also suggest that you do some specific repairs before listing the house. You then need to make the decision as to whether it would benefit you financially to do this. It will also depend on whether you have the extra funds to put into the repairs.

Advertising and Promotion

Your agent will look after the task of advertising your home and promoting it to potential buyers. This means putting in on the open market. Interested parties will book appointments to see your home. Most likely there are other homes in your area that are for sale so your home will be competing against these.


Home viewings are one the biggest inconveniences. This is necessary when selling your home in the traditional manner. Some find this to be such a hassle that it answers the question as to should I sell my home for cash.  Viewings mean that several people will want to see your home at different times. You may have to leave the home for periods of time, so the agent can hold open houses. It means constantly having to keep the house clean and orderly.

The Negotiations

When a potential buyer is going to put an offer in it usually means some negotiations back and forth. This can take some time before an actual selling price is agreed upon. Many times during this process the deal falls through. The buyer may not be willing to pay the final price. Or, they may not be able to arrange financing.

The Paperwork

With the sale of a house with traditional methods, there is a lot of paperwork involved. Not only does the realtor have to prepare this, but you will also need a lawyer to help close the deal.

Selling a House to Cash Buyers

pros of deciding to sell a house to cash buyers

There is a good chance you may not even have to list your home. It may be that your home is in need of several repairs to bring it up to market value. If you take the option to sell a house to cash buyers then you most likely can take the “sell house as is” opportunity.

Do some checking in your area. You may find there are investors that are interested in sellers who want to sell a house for cash.  Your realtor may even be aware of someone who may be interested in this type of purchase. This means the cash buyer is prepared to buy the house in its current state.

Should I Sell My House For Cash?

Your personal situation will help you answer the question, should I sell my house for cash? You need to know the reason that you are selling in the first place. It could be that you have run into financial difficulties. Or perhaps your job requires you to move to a new location. Another reason may be that the house is in bad need of repairs and you don’t have the extra money to carry these out.

All of these situations may raise the need for some quick cash. This is drawing you towards the decision to sell a house as is. When you sell a house to cash buyers you don’t have to deal with a lot of the hassle. These are the ones that come with the traditional way of selling.

Other Reasons to Sell a House to Cash Buyers

more reasons to sell a house to cash buyers

Fast Sale

When you sell a house to cash buyers you are normally looking for a quick sale with a fast closing. At first, you may think it will be difficult to sell a house this way because of the need of repairs. There are several investors that are willing to buy a home as is. If you’re looking to sell your house fast then a cash buyer might be for you.

Fair Price

Naturally, the price will be lower than it would be if the home were in pristine condition. You will still receive fair market value, based on the worth of the home. Also keep in mind if you do your research for your area first, you may not have to even list your home. Chances are, you can find interested parties who advertise that they want to pay cash for homes. This means you will save substantial money on the real estate fees. You may also get some extra savings on your lawyer’s fees. This is because there is not as much legal work involved in this type of sale.

Fewer Inconveniences

When you sell a house to cash buyers you don’t have the inconveniences of waiting for the right buyer. You don’t have to do the repairs or put up with the intrusion of people viewing your home.

These are all valid answers to the question why sell to cash buyers. The answers are the solutions for those who want quick cash for their home. It is an ideal method for those that don’t want to go through the standard process of home selling. When you sell a house to cash buyers you can tend to your financial needs quickly. Or, you can get on with the move that is required based on your situation.

Sell a House to Cash Buyers Now!

reasons to sell a house to cash buyers

Watching your house sit on the market, spending an arm and a leg in repair costs, and not wanting to list with a real estate agent are all reasons why cash buyers are a better option for you. At Matt Buys Houses TX, we specialize in quick home sales for cash. That’s the benefit of selling a house for cash and working with us!

No matter what condition your house is in, we’re here to help you out. We’ll get your house closed, and write you a check on the spot! Call us today to get a no obligations quote for your house, or just to get your questions answered. We’re always happy and ready to talk! Contact us at 210-596-9669.

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.

How to Sell My House Without an Agent in San Antonio

November 20, 2024 • Matthew

After the decision has been made that you are going to sell your house there will be some questions. The big question you may ask yourself is should I sell my house without an agent. This is something that a lot of people are attempting to do. It may work for some but many will often tell you that they would probably not go that route again. This is because contrary to the belief of many the process you have to go through to sell a house yourself is not easy.

There are lots of reasons you would sell your house without an agent. If you have to move quickly and don’t have time for the house to sit on the market, this is an appealing option for you. Not to mention if you’re facing foreclosure, or want to auction your house for the highest price. If you’re thinking “Should I sell my house without an agent”, then this is the article for you. We’re going to talk about the steps you can take to sell your house yourself, without hassling with an agent.

Sell My House Without An Agent Steps

steps to sell my house without an agent
The steps to sell a house yourself is going to begin with first knowing how much you should list the house for. When you are going through the process to sell my house without an agent you cannot just rely on guesswork. You will need to check your area to see what other houses are listed for. Then at the same time you will need to look at what some of the houses have sold for. To sell my house without an agent you need to look at the similarities of the houses that have sold compared to yours.

To sell my house without an agent means no expert advice.

Most often when people are putting their home on the market they go through various steps to prepare it for a sale. It may mean having to do some repairs. Without an agent to guide you as to what repairs are necessary you may end up doing a lot of repairs that are not needed. In the end you could spend money you didn’t need to.

The next step is putting the house on the market. This means you need to know how to advertise it. It is not just a matter of putting a sign on the front of the house and expecting buyers to flock to it. You may get some drive by interested parties. However, it usually takes several interested home buyers before the right buyer comes along. Attempting to sell my house without an agent takes a great deal of insight for marketing it properly. You will need to write enticing adds and place these in your area papers. This will give you some limited advertising. But there are no guarantees that those who read this area paper are in the market for a new house.

Then you are going to have to prepare yourself for the inconvenience of showings. With the sell my house without an agent concept it means you have to take on the role of an agent. You will have people perhaps knocking on your door at any time asking to view the home. This can be a real hassle, and it can be potentially dangerous. You don’t really know if the party is interested in buying your home.

When you do get an offer you are going to need a lawyer to review it. You could end up having to go through this process several time. Most often there is a lot of negotiating back and forth when it comes to the sale of a house.

Selling Without a Realtor Pros and Cons

pros and cons to sell my house without an agent

The Pros to selling a house without a realtor is really only the savings on the real estate fees. These are those that you would normally have to pay. These can vary and will depend on how much you sell the home for. So in some cases they can be quite substantial.

The cons to selling a house without a realtor is a much longer list. There are still fees involved that you will have to pay. The advertising fees will likely be quite hefty. You will have to advertise in a variety of different mediums and they all cost money.

Then as mentioned you will have to rely on a lawyer for reviewing offers. If you are going to negotiate back and forth on an offer then the lawyer’s fees are going to increase.

There is the inconvenience of people showing up at your door unexpected to view the home.

The bottom line is with selling without a realtor pros and cons, is the cons far outweigh the pros.

There are other steps to selling a house by owner fast. This means taking the approach of selling to cash buyers. These are individuals who are in the business of buying homes for cash. It means that you do not have all of the hassles that you will go through. Selling a house by owner fast is something that you can enjoy with a quick cash sale.

When you look at how to sell a house by owner quickly it means you can accomplish this with a cash buyer. There will still be some negotiations on the price. However, this is to be expected no matter which sale procedure you go with. An experienced cash buyer will offer you a fair deal on the price of your home. They are very astute at knowing what a house is really worth. They will take into consideration the sale of other homes in the area.

Sell My House Without an Agent to Cash Buyers

sell my house without an agent by selling to cash buyers

With the cash buyer process you are not going to be faced with those advertising fees. Nor are you going to have the extra costs that can come with having to rely on an owner. You can negotiate quickly with the cash buyer. There will be no need to worry about what repairs need to be made to the home for the sale. Cash buyers will purchase the home as is. This means you only need to have a lawyer act on your behalf for closing the deal. The cash buyer will look after their end. It turns out to be a clean, simple deal with virtually no hassles. You don’t have to worry about whether the buyer can qualify for a mortgage. They already have the funds in place for the purchase.

With a cash buyer looking to buy your home you can forget about the question should I sell my house without an agent. You do not need an agent for this type of house sale.

Sell Your House Fast

we're here to help sell my house without an agent

There are lots of reasons you wouldn’t want to sell your house with a realtor. If you’re interested in getting a quick sale for cash, then selling to a cash buyer is for you. At Matt Buys Houses TX, we’ll make you a no obligations cash offer for your house in order to help you avoid the stress of listing with an agent.

Have a question? Give us a call! We’re always ready to talk. No matter if you have questions about the house selling process, or want to get a quote for your house, we’re more than happy to help! Reach us at 210-596-9669, or send us a message on our website!

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.

Can I Sell My Parents House Before Death?

November 13, 2024 • Matthew

When parents age there needs to be some changes made. It often means that the kids have to attend to this. One of the factors may be that I have to sell my parents house before death. This is a big task for you. It is not one that you do everyday. So it is not one that you are familiar with. The sell my parents house before death task is one that many people face.

Sell Your Elderly Parents Home

sell my parents house before death when they're elderly

Selling parents house means that you have a lot to learn. First, you have to know what options are available to you. I have to sell my parents house before death may mean fewer legalities. It is when it’s compared to selling your parents house after they have passed away. This usually means even greater legal issues.

You have some decisions to make  to sell your elderly parents home. It includes which options are you going to pick to sell my parents house before death.

Sell My Parents House Before Death Preparations

Before thinking about selling the house, it has to be ready for sale. For several of the house selling options you have no choice but to do this. Most home buyers will want a home inspection done. If you don’t do the repairs it may not pass inspection. There will be some disappointments when potential sales fall through. All because it didn’t pass inspection. This brings another challenge for you. Now you have to do the repairs which may be unsettling for your parents. Then there is going to be a cost involved.

Legalities for the can I sell my parents house before death question

sell my parents house before death and other leagalities

Added to all of this are the legalities. Permission has to be obtained in answer to the question can I sell my parents house before death. You may need the power of attorney for them. It is a legal document that allows you to act on their behalf.

Sell House By Owner Options

You may be familiar with the sell house by owner option. For awhile it became quite a trend. After seeing how difficult it can be many people no longer try. Still you need to know what it entails. You need to look at all the selling parents house options.

You may decide that to sell my parents house before death this is the best method. Perhaps you are looking at it as a way to save money on real estate fees. It is true that you can do this. But chances are you will have higher legal fees.

There are a lot of legal documents that come with selling a house. If these are not prepared in a proper manner  it can cause problems. It could cause the sale of the house to fall through. It may mean you need to hire a lawyer to do extra work. This is the work that in normal situations the realtor would do.

You also have to accept to sell my parents house before death that this option is difficult. It means you will be the one that always has to be on call for showings. Plus, you are going to have the task of marketing the house. This is time consuming. Plus, it takes a certain amount of expertise. You don’t have all the resources that the real estate agent has. Then added to this is how to set the price. You want a fair price when you need to sell my parents house before death. Chances are they need the money from the sale to live on. They are going to have to move. Finding new accommodations costs money. You need to decide if you have the time and expertise to see my parents house before death. If you are going to use this option.

Using a Real Estate Agency

sell my parents house before death with a realtor

Think about using professionals. It is another option to consider for the sell my parents house before death task . It means now relying on a real estate agent. This will help with some of the burden of selling someone else’s home. For the most part they will look after the marketing. Plus, they look after a lot of the legal paper work.

There are going to be several downsides to this. Your parents may feel unsettled. They have a stranger looking after some of their affairs. This unknown individual is going to be bringing strangers through their home. Then it could take weeks or months for the sale. During this entire time it is stressful for your parents.

The Sell House for Cash

There is one more option for the sell my parents house before death task. It the sell house for cash opportunity. There are professionals investors that are willing to pay cash for the house. In this situation a cash deal may be perfect.

It means that there won’t be any strangers coming through the home to view it.  It eliminates the needs for the repairs that may need doing. Cash buyers will not expect the completion of any repairs . This is a huge relief because it cuts down on the disruption to your parents.

Your parents are now going to have to move somewhere. It may mean they need cash to do this. Buy using the sell house for cash there are no mortgages that need arranging . Which can often be a problem with other buyers.

Then there are the savings  on the real estate costs.  The legalities for selling the house this way are far less of a burden. It can mean a lot less cost in lawyers fees.

The transition that takes place with the sell house for cash is smooth and hassle free. It creates the ideal situation for your parents. For you the sell my parents house before death is a problem solved. You no longer need to worry about where you are going to get the time to do this. Plus, you don’t have to educate yourself about home selling. Your parents don’t need to stew over about what is going to happen to the house. Having cash offered to them may be a great incentive for them.

The cash offer can help to offset the disappointment they may be feeling. It can be upsetting for them to leave their home. The cash is going to give them something to look forward to. There are no worries about home buyers coming back with complaints. Nor is there the frustration of having to deal with real estate transactions. Especially when they  that tend to fall through.

Need to Sell Your Parents’ House Now?

sell my parents house before death to cash buyer

At Matt Buys Houses TX we specialize in a quick sale so that you can get on with the more important things in life. Don’t stress out about selling your parents’ house. In the event you need to sell your parents’ house before death, give us a call at 210-596-9669. We would love to answer any questions about the house selling process that you might have.


The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.

Process of Selling My House to Cash Buyers

November 6, 2024 • Matthew

When it comes to selling a property, homeowners have many options. From the traditional hiring of a realtor and sitting months on market to listing a for sale by owner and selling your own house, homeowners make the best personal decision with the most knowledge they have. Unfortunately, many homeowners have little to no experience working with we buy houses companies. The benefits of cash buyers are numerous, so when I want to move on quickly I’m selling my house to cash buyers.

The Benefits of Cash Buyers

My first property was a traditional starter home and required nominal financing to afford. Once I procured a higher paying job out of state, I knew I needed to sell my house quickly in order to relocate. After researching local real estate agents that came highly recommended, I realized the average realtor couldn’t promise a sale real estate closing within a specific timeframe; waiting months of a potential buyer to purchase my home wasn’t an appealing outcome. I began considering other options because utilizing the services of a realtor wasn’t a good solution for my hard time constraints.

After hours of extensive research, I realized the most convenient and quickest method for me to move was selling to cash buyers. Initially, when I made my first cash home buying inquiries, I expected selling to a ‘we buy houses’ company to come with some negatives.

Why hadn’t I heard about their buying proficiency and fair cash offers before now? And why weren’t all my friends and family using their unbelievable services? I asked trusted family members why, and they admitted to not knowing any local cash buyers, not recognizing the advantages, and not understanding the general cash buyer selling process. I felt it necessary to explain why I was selling my house to cash buyers.

the first steps of selling my house to cash buyers

Reputable cash buyers offer numerous far-reaching benefits that make selling a home a simple process. The advantage I was most drawn to was their ability to guarantee a closing within a week of our first meeting. That was simply unheard of when I originally researched the differing selling options homeowners had before I even listed my property. With cash buyers, I wouldn’t have to wait for a lengthy financing period because they had cash on-hand to purchase my property. If they viewed my property and wanted to purchase it, they could immediately. This was great for me to relocate.

Another unique benefit to selling my house to cash buyers was their desire to purchase my home in whatever current condition. For people like my parents, who had been unable to maintain basic upkeep and failed to update their home with the newest appliances, selling a distressed home could be difficult. Very few buyers want to acquire a home that needs major home repairs and lacks that move-in ready appeal. Thankfully, selling my house for cash meant selling without making any costly remodels or renovations.

An Atypical Selling Process

The standard selling process most homeowners encounter is fairly straightforward. A homeowner needs to sell, chooses a local real estate agent to represent them, and entrusts the agent to assess the home, provide a fair market value, and make professional advertising materials to entice prospective buyers.

Once a buyer is interested, the realtor and buyer’s realtor negotiate on behalf of both parties, and – best case scenario – agree and sign a purchase agreement. Now, even though the purchase agreement is reviewed and signed by both parties, the seller won’t receive funds until after the buyer procures home financing, which requires a mortgage lender or bank to approve. From the homeowner’s initial decision to sell to the buyer’s mortgage approval takes a few months. What’s worse is the buyer’s ability to weasel out of a purchase agreement without penalty due to clauses and contingencies, leaving the seller stranded and starting the selling process all over.

what I did when selling my house to cash buyers

I chose to sell my house to cash buyers because the process was more secure than the standard, and I knew I wouldn’t be let down. When selling to cash buyers, homeowners are able to skip many of the typical selling steps in order to close much faster. This atypical selling house for cash process begins with a homeowner deciding to sale. Instead of contacting a real estate agent though, they call their preferred cash buyer.

The cash buyer assumes the role of the realtor and assesses the property – sometimes with walkthroughs, sometimes using comparable homes – to determine a fair market value cash offer. After, they present the cash offer to the homeowners, the sellers can choose to close at their earliest convenience. No waiting for a financial approval!

Selling my house to cash buyers meant I was in control. I determined the closing date, kept the traditional realtor’s commission, and approved a cash offer I felt to be fair. I didn’t need to research local real estate agents or wait for potential buyers to judge my property’s worth; the cash buyers saw my home’s potential even with the varied flaws that turn off other buyers. My cash buyer was a friendly professional and assisted me throughout the selling process without payment. They talked me through any questions I had and showered me with references from other sellers. Selling to cash buyers allowed me the security to start my new job without worrying about selling my starter home.

Selling My House to Cash Buyers

why I went with selling my house to cash buyers

Though homeowners have many options when first deciding to sell their property, choosing a reputable cash home buyer should be a priority if needing to sell fast. Real estate agents work with multiple homeowners simultaneously and often cannot afford the time and dedication needed to sell a property most proficiently; cash buyers, on the other hand, are less burdened by multiple sellers because they guarantee speedy home sales.

When my family and friends ask me for referrals when they want to sell their homes, I advocate for cash buyers every time. Undoubtedly, cash buyers are real estate experts that are trained to determine a home’s value. Cash buyers also offer a simplified selling process. Forget waiting months to move on from your home; selling to cash buyers means being able to find your next home with ease.

Want to Benefit from Selling Your House for Cash?

choose selling my house to cash buyers

If you’re stuck thinking “why am I not selling my house to cash buyers” then you don’t have the time watching your house sit on the market. You don’t have that time, and we understand that. At Matt Buys Houses TX, we specialize in quick home sales for cash. That’s the benefit of selling a house for cash and working with us!

No matter what condition your house is in, we’re here to help you out. We’ll get your house closed, and write you a check on the spot! Call us today to get a no obligations quote for your house, or just to get your questions answered. We’re always happy and ready to talk! Contact us at 210-596-9669.

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.

Guide to Sell a House Yourself in San Antonio

October 30, 2024 • Matthew

It is possible you want to sell a house yourself but are not sure what things to do to sell a house quickly. You will likely benefit from a well-developed step-by-step guide to help you. While each homeowner may find their situation is unique, for most these six steps are necessary if you want to sell a house yourself. It is possible to sell your house yourself and you can sell a house without an agent fast.

There are lots of reasons you might want to sell a house yourself. If you’re facing foreclosure, or thinking about auctioning your house, selling it yourself might seem like a better option. Let’s go over the steps to sell a house yourself so you can decide if it’s the right fit for you!

Step 1: Research, Research, Research

sell a house yourself with research

The very first thing you need to do if you want to sell a house yourself is become very familiar with real estate transactions. This means doing a lot of research to find out what types of paperwork you will need, and how contracts on homes work. Ask yourself, what do I need when preparing my house for sale? Think about all the steps and paperwork involved when you first bought your house. This will give you a good idea. You’ll need forms for closing, disclosures, insurance documents, appraisals, and the required legal documents. During this step, you will also want to think about all the people who will be involved in the process such as the appraiser, the title company, a lender and perhaps a real estate attorney.

Step 2: Get Your House Ready for Sale

The second thing for getting a house ready to sell a house quickly checklist is to prepare the house itself. This can be a time consuming and costly endeavor. There can be cosmetic problems as well as functional issues along with any number of things that you cannot fix. You may need to hire multiple contractors to make repairs or renovations. Check all your appliances, heating and cooling system, roof, and the exterior siding. One of the things to do to sell a house quickly is to paint the exterior and interior portions of the house.

Step 3: Set a Price

sell a house yourself for the right price

Many homeowners try to price their home way too high, this can scare off a potential buyer. This can cause the property to set on the market indefinitely. When this happens, buyers can start to wonder what is wrong with the house. Effective pricing can help sell a house faster and determining a fair price is one of the most important things to do to sell a house quickly. You may need to hire an appraiser if you want to sell a house yourself.

Step 4: Put the House on the Market

If you want to sell your house yourself you will have to put it on the market yourself, especially if you want to sell house without an agent fast. Knowing how to market things online can help with this important step. For just a small fee you can list it on different websites giving it the exposure it needs. There are some websites geared to helping you sell a house yourself. Spread the word around your social media websites and any forums that you spend time on. Don’t overlook traditional marketing outlets like newspapers.

Step 5: Start Negotiations

Be ready to negotiate the price of your home. You may get offers or counteroffers. Make sure to allow for your bottom-line if you have one. If you are uncomfortable with haggling about the price, you may need to hire a real estate attorney to help.

Step 6: Close the Deal

sell a house yourself to buyers

If you want to sell a house yourself, become familiar with all the paperwork required for closing a home sale. Ideally, the buyer will show you a written preapproval which can help speed up the closing process. However, be ready for snags and delays because they are likely to occur. Give yourself some cushion when setting a closing date. Be flexible when it comes to scheduling your move and the turnover. There can be any number of reasons for a mortgage approval to be delayed. Also, prepare yourself for results that may come from an appraisal or inspection. Also check all the laws to make sure you have everything you need when it comes to the closing. You’ll need to be familiar with requirements for both state and federal laws. Sometimes it’s helpful to hire a title company to help manage all those last-minute details if you are selling your house without an agent.

Sell a House Yourself Fast!

There is another way to sell a house yourself and sell it fast. Real estate investors will give you cash for your house. This is a much faster process than trying to get your house and paperwork ready to complete the transaction. A cash home buyer will make you an offer and if you agree, they will pay you cash and do the paperwork necessary for the closing. Not only is this a lot faster, it can also be less costly for you. Don’t stress out about selling your house, talk to a cash buyer instead.

Another great benefit to selling to a real estate investor is that it is an as-is sell. This means you don’t have to make a lot of repairs. As a matter of fact, you don’t have to do anything to the house before a cash buyer makes the purchase. They will take it just like it is no matter what shape it is in. They will do an informal inspection and make you an offer taking all of that into account. This can save you a lot of money since you won’t have to make large repairs like the roof, appliances or heating and air conditioners. You don’t even have to stage the house or do any painting inside or out. So it’s your choice whether you want to do it the easy way or the hard way!

Sell Your House Without the Hassle

don't stress about how to sell a house yourself, we'll sell it

Don’t be caught up in the stress of selling a house. We’re here to help! We understand how stressful selling a house is. Trying to sell it yourself is only more stressful.

At Matt Buys Houses TX, we’ll make you a no obligations cash offer for your house in order to help you avoid stressing over selling the house yourself.

Have a question? Give us a call! We’re always ready to talk. No matter if you have questions about the house selling process, or want to get a quote for your house, we’re more than happy to help! Reach us at 210-596-9669, or send us a message on our website!


The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.

When Should Seniors Sell Their Homes in San Antonio?

October 23, 2024 • Matthew

When should seniors sell their homes? This has become a pressing question over the last few years. When it is time to sell your elderly parents home, what is the best way to go about it? For many, this is all new territory and it can be difficult to figure out the process especially if for some reason you need to sell parents house fast. If you are looking at helping your parents sell a home, or even as power of attorney sell a house for them, here are some important tips.

What if you need to sell your elderly parents home?

when should seniors sell their homes

Should seniors sell their homes, or should their children do it for them? This can also be a difficult question to answer. Your first instinct may be to call a real estate agency and try to get it on the market. That is just one solution when you need to sell your elderly parents home. However, though it is a valid option, it can be a time consuming one. It can take months to make sure you have power of attorney to sell house, get it listed and find a qualified buyer. After that, you are still looking at months before closing. This just doesn’t work if you need to sell parents house fast. In the meantime, your parents are still responsible for the property and any payments that may be outstanding. Also, it can be difficult for them to qualify for medical assistance if they own a house.

Can I put their house up for sale by owner?

Putting a house up for sale by owner is another valid option if you need to sell your elderly parents home. However, you must be the owner to market it as a sale by owner proposition. You may have difficulty with this option even if you have power of attorney to sell house. If they deeded it to you, or if you are on the deed you may be able to use the for sale by owner option. But even then, it can take a long time to find a qualified buyer and secure the financing necessary. This can be an extremely difficult option if you need to sell parents house fast.

Do I need a power of attorney to sell a house belonging to my parents?

should seniors sell their homes with power of attorney

The short answer is yes. You will need a power of attorney to sell a house belonging to your parents. Even then, it has to be specified in the paperwork that you have the rights to handle their property or you won’t be able to sell it. If you have power of attorney or have been given the authority to sell parents home, you can sell house for cash to an investor.

Should seniors sell their home, or can I sell a house for cash?

As long as you have the authority, you can sell your parents house for cash. If you are in charge of making sure it gets sold to relieve them of the financial burden, or to help pay for their alternative living expenses, selling a house for cash is the fastest option.

How can I sell my parent’s house fast?

Are you are asking, “how can I sell my parents house fast?” It is possible with a cash buyer or an investor. They will come out to the property and do an informal assessment to determine how much the house is worth. Then they will make you a reasonable cash offer. You have the choice of taking it or refusing it if you want to. If you decide to take the offer, they will give you cash and then help complete the paperwork. It is a good option if you need to sell parents house fast, and they’ll have the cash in hand.

Should seniors sell their homes to a cash buyer?

should seniors sell their homes to cash buyers

Should seniors sell their homes to a cash buyer, even if their children are not involved? Yes, if they want to sell it fast. A cash buyer will take the house as is. This means there’s no need for repairs or renovations to be made to the property. They also won’t need to stage it or do anything to get it ready for showing. Selling to a cash buyer is much faster than putting it on the market and waiting for it to get just right so they can sell. They’ll have the money in hand, and the paperwork will complete in a short time. It’s the simplest and fastest way to sell their house so they can get out from under the financial strain.

Another benefit should seniors sell their home to a cash buyer is that they can avoid the hassle of trying to put it up for sale by owner. There’s no hassle, no setting up appointments to show the home, no annoying phone calls or anxious waiting. Sell house for cash is the fastest option available should seniors sell their homes before moving to another living environment.

Do you have a question about the house selling process? Do you want to get your no obligation cash offer for your parents house? Even if you don’t decide to sell, we’d love to answer any questions you might have. Give us a call today at 210-596-9669.

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.